Vodacom Upgrade

Vodacom Upgrade, Check Due Date, Fees, & Upgrade Contact

All Vodacom contract customers are required to renew their deals after the initial period, be it 12months or 24months. But what is Vodacom Upgrade?

Well, that is the right question to ask, and fortunately, we have dedicated this guide to give you all the details you need about the Vodacom South Africa upgrade.

Vodacom offer various deals to their contract customers, including SIM-only deals, airtime-only offers, data bundle contract, smartphone contracts, and many more.

Traditionally, most Vodacom contacts have an initial period of either 12 or 24months, after which the customer must upgrade the contract.

However, that is not compulsory, which means that you can opt-out of the contract after the initial period or continue to upgrade for a much better deal that suits your preference.

Talking about upgrading your Vodacom deal, there are two options, including the in-store upgrade and online contact renewal.

Well, each of the upgrade options has the same results but does not have the same cost.

What do I mean by cost?

Reading below will give you an idea.

What Is Vodacom Upgrade

Vodacom Upgrade is the process a contract customer must go through during or at the end of their initial contract period to upgrade their current or existing contract.

Upgrading Vodacom deals give you access to offers specifically made for you, or you can sign up for any of the available deals you are eligible to renew.

Ways To Renew Vodacom Contract In South Africa

Below are the available ways you can use to upgrade deals:

1. In-store upgrade

2. Online Upgrade.

Vodacom In-store Upgrade

With Vodacom In-store contact upgrade, you must visit the nearest store in South Africa with your ID and other details of your existing contract to renew.

However, before you can renew your Vodacom contract at any of their stores, you will be charged a fee of R160. What makes the in-store upgrade somewhat good is that you will get the chance to seek help from any of their representatives at the store and get more details on the offer before you sign up.

Vodacom Online Upgrade

Vodacom Online Upgrade gives you the convenience to upgrade your contract online from anywhere you are, either your home or from the office.

The good thing about the online upgrade option is that you are not charged an upgrade fee, unlike the in-store one. Also, once you upgrade your contract online, it will be delivered to you for free.

How To Qualify For Upgrade

Before you can qualify for a Vodacom Upgrade, you must be an already existing customer with the current contract due. That is because you can not upgrade your contact at any time whiles your existing deals are still running.

Usually, if your initial period is about 24months, you will be allowed to do an early upgrade from 22months going.

When Can I Upgrade My Contract

You can renew your Vodacom contract once the initial period of your current deal has been exhausted. However, sometimes you may be lucky to get an early upgrade offer 2 months to the end of your current deal.

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