How to Vodacom Upgrade Online

Vodacom Upgrade Online, Steps To Upgrade Your Vodacom Contract Online

Are you a Vodacom contract customer? Do you know you can now upgrade your Vodacom contract on the internet? Yes, the Vodacom online upgrade is now available to all contract customers on Vodacom.

Initial contracts on Vodacom usually last for 12 to 24 months, and after that period, customers are expected to upgrade or renew their contract.

Back in the days, Vodacom upgrade was stressful as customers queued up in outlets to upgrade or renew their contracts.

Since the introduction of Vodacom online upgrade, it is not longers an issue when you want to renew your contract as you can do that on the internet within minutes.

Because many are not aware of the online upgrade service, we have decided to give you all the Vodacom online upgrades.

Let’s begin with how the service work.

How Does Vodacom Online Upgrade Work?

Here is how the Vodacom online upgrade works.

When you are due for an upgrade on your contract, Vodacom will present you with new deals to step up your contract or upgrade.

These new offers and all of their details will be made available to you in your Vodacom account online.

So you must log in to your Vodacom account online, and during this period, you all the time in this world to go through each of the offers, including their prices, Billings, and terms and conditions associated with each deal.

After settling on an offer the best suit you with all the necessary information on each plan or device, you can proceed to upgrade your contract or step up.

Once you have chosen a deal and follow the necessary procedures to place your order, your new device will be delivered to you the next day.
That is how the Vodacom upgrade works.

How Can I Upgrade My Vodacom Contract Online?

To successfully upgrade your Vodacom contract online, you follow this procedure:

1. First, you should check if you are due for an upgrade.

2. After checking your Vodacom upgrade status, and you are due, you can proceed to log in online.

3. If you do not have a Vodacom account, you can visit their official website and create a new user profile.

4. After you have created your account or if you have an account, go to the Vodacom official website here:

5. Once you are on the website, click on the icon at the top right corner that looks like a human.

6. You will see “Log into your account.”

7. Click on “Login.”

8. Enter your Vodacom device cell phone number or email address you used to create the first box account.

9. Next, type in your “Password.”

10. Now, click on “Next” and follow the next instructions to sign in to your Vodacom account online.

11. Once you are signed in to your Vodacom account online, navigate and click on “Upgrades.”

12. All your new deals, plan, and devices offered to you by Vodacom will pop up if you are due for an upgrade.

13. Chose the best offer that suits you, but make sure you have read the terms and conditions associated with your choice.

14. Proceed and place your order.

15. After 24 hours, Vodacom will deliver your new device to you.

That is how you can do Vodacom online upgrade.

How Long Does Vodacom Take For My New Device To Be Delivered After Making Online Upgrade?

Once you have upgraded your contract online, your new device or apparatus shall be delivered to you by Vodacom within 24 hours.

Worst case scenario, you may receive your new device from Vodacom within 48 hours(two days).

If your device is not delivered within 48 hours after the online upgrade, you must contact Vodacom on the Vodacom upgrade contact number here: 082 17844.

That is all we have for you today.

This easy and simple Vodacom Guide Was Last Updated on December 6, 2022 by Voda Guide

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